Admissions and Sports - An Advantage Justified?
We've all heard that college admissions for athletes is a hot topic throughout the college application process. I came across an interesting article today that explores the correlation between admissions and athletic talent. While many believe that the hard work that students put into being successful at sports justifies a leg-up in the admissions game, some say that hard working and dedicated student-athletes should not be looked at differently. I'd like to hear all of your opinions, as I know many people have different stances on the issue.
Check out the article: Sports and Admissions
Have a happy new year and seniors, good luck with the applications!!!!
I think if you are a student athlete just like I was, it shows just how determined you are. Also the hard work factor plays a part because you many athletes when it comes to studying are how can we say below average and that may be a stereo type but it's a true one. It's funny how the ones who worked hard on and off the field are the ones that are left out or very little playing time. When you have just the atletes that are barely passing playing. I don't see it as fair and the worse thing is that sometimes even the coaches help the athletes by getting a grade pushed up or hiding the grades from the public. Not only is that dishonest but dishonorable. It takes a coach courage to be able to stand up to his team and say "No you are not playing unless you have your grades up," and that will always be the kind of coach I would want to play for.
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