Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Choosing a College Major!!

I know, having gone through the college application process just a couple of years ago, that the thought of choosing a major may seem like something that has to be done before you choose a college.  My advice: Don't stress, but have a preliminary assessment of what you would like to achieve goals.

A majority of college students change their major at least once before they graduate.  College is a place where you are encouraged to find your interests, and then begin to focus on excelling within a chosen field.   Many colleges and universities have set up their curricula to cater to this period of exploration.  Usually, students will have general required classes and numerous elective credits to explore various interests.  Students, as they progress, are then guided into a focus or concentration based on specific interests and goals.

The reason I mention having a preliminary assessment is simple:  there are many schools and programs that are very specific (ie. undergrad business, types of engineering, music).  It is important that you think about these personal goals before applying to one of these types of programs.  Although mobility is usually feasible even with these programs, many begin to focus early and switching may be a little more difficult.

That being said, here are a few simple steps to follow:

1.  Think about what you are interested in, what you would like to pursue in the future, what would make you happy
2.  Assess your strengths and weaknesses.  For example, an individual who cannot stand the view of blood could not be a heart surgeon even if human biology is one of his or her interests.
3.  Evaluate the post graduation possibilities - what can you do after college
4.  Think about your values.  Do you want to help society? Do you want to be an innovator?  Do you want do make a lot of money?

As I mentioned earlier, the college major selection process is not set in stone and is flexible.  Know yourself and what direction you would like to go, but do not stress!


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